
Intravenous Vitamin C

In the 1970s, two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling did much to advance the profile of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) as an immune-enhancing and tumor-killing therapy. Pauling believed that the anti-cancer potential of vitamin C depended on the right dosage. He persuaded the renowned Mayo Clinic to investigate the vitamin, but their 1979 study, using only oral doses of vitamin C, concluded that it had no value in the treatment of terminal cancer. Turns out, only intravenous vitamin C (IVC) can deliver the tumor-toxic dosages required to make this a viable weapon in the anti-cancer arsenal. By circumventing the digestive system’s tight regulation on vitamin C levels, IVC delivers the elevated amounts of ascorbic acid required to affect cancer cells. While just 60 mg of vitamin C is needed to prevent scurvy, tens of thousands of milligrams are needed to kill cancer cells.

Studies have confirmed the effectiveness of IVC in mice. In the Aug. 4, 2008, issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Dr. Mark Levine (then Chief of the NIH Molecular and Clinical Nutrition Section) reported that cancer tumors in mice were reduced by 51 percent after the mice were given IVC. IVC works—both in mice and in humans—by penetrating the cancer cells and generating hydrogen peroxide, which causes the cancer cells to die off.

One advantage of IVC over conventional chemotherapy is that IVC does not seem to harm healthy cells. Often IVC is combined with other treatments. It is important to consult with a physician to make sure the combination of all your treatments work synergetically.

For Further Exploration:

Intravenous Vitamin C and Cancer

The Real Story of Vitamin C and Cancer

Intravenously Administered Vitamin C as Cancer Therapy: Three Cases

Ascorbate: The Science of Vitamin C (book)

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