Healing Options

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer, one of your most daunting tasks is to decide your course of treatment. Usually diagnosis is a time of great stress. There is pressure to make quick decisions, and emotions can color our decision-making process. Often we feel there’s no time to research our options; we may respond out of panic or allow ourselves to be pressured into the treatment course our doctor chooses for us, without really thinking things through or allowing ourselves to get clarity on what we want.

There are so many options for addressing cancer, but in our Western culture we are usually only informed about a few of these choices—surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy. There is a wide array of alternative treatments that most people are less informed about. Through my journey, I have found it optimally helpful to combine the best of conventional treatment with the best of alternative treatment. This integrated approach seems to yield the most positive results for me.

If you choose an alternative route or you choose to combine conventional treatment with an alternative route, you must forge your own path. My goal is help make that part of your journey easier than it was for me. To that end, I’m sharing with you a condensed version of what I’ve learned along the way. For chronological perspective, you can view an outline of my treatments or you can go straight to an index of the treatments I have tried. Short explanations of the treatments are provided, along with links to other websites for more detailed information.

This site is not here to recommend treatments or to diagnose. I am simply here to share my experience. The most important thing I can say is this: “Trust yourself to make the choices that are right for you.”

Blessings to all of you who are faced with the challenge of cancer. May you rise to this difficult challenge with grace and dignity, and with much support.


© Copyright Laura Rennard cancer-theteacher.com - Web Hosting by Mosaic Data Services - Photos by Sarah Clarehart Photography