This letter documents the slow regaining of my independence after the mastectomy and my body’s attempt to process the trauma.
August 7, 2011
To: theater group
Hello again lovely ladies,
I think right now I am dealing mostly with my “animal body,” who does not understand why these humans with knives have slaughtered it. I know it is compounded by the childhood body violations, which were impossible to comprehend/process at the time. I trust I will sort through it all. But one thing is clear: “My body has had enough. It is done.” I will have one more surgery in a few months to complete the reconstruction portion of the mastectomy. I will try my best to prepare my body for it, but my body doesn’t understand language. It responds at a preverbal level, so it is difficult to comfort. It just weeps in confusion and panic asking the question, “Why?”
Overall I am at peace with patches of depression. It is to be expected.
I am looking forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday and to hearing how everyone else’s life is continuing to unfold.
love to all of you,
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