Network Spinal Analysis
Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) was developed by Donald “Donny” Epstein, DC, in the early 1980s. After having worked with thousands of people, he found that specific tension patterns occur as the result of the accumulation of physical, emotional, mental, and chemical stress in our bodies.
Injuries and other traumas, including emotional trauma, leave a sort of vibrational “imprint” in our bodies, which we experience as tension. Eventually the body walls off these areas of energetic holding with muscle spasm, spinal distortion, reduced movement, and reduced breathing in the area. This phenomenon is sometimes called a “defense posture.” This frozen posture can affect the spinal cord and associated nerves, compromising the nervous system, which is the main network of communication between the brain and the body, and—some believe—between ourselves and the divine. When this communication network breaks down, the quality of health is compromised.
NSA is a gentle approach, consisting of light touches along the spine, gentle body positioning, and directed breath—all of which signals the brain to communicate more effectively with the body, and vice versa—clearing interference along the nerve pathways. In turn, this helps the body and brain develop new strategies for healing. Internal communication systems become clearer and the body and brain then coordinate more effectively, even during periods of stress and trauma. Eventually the “defense posture” can dissolve and release.
In studies done at the University of California, Irvine, patients in Network care reported a significant improvement in physical and emotional health, a reduction in stress, and an increase in the enjoyment of life. A unique Wellness Index was developed to assess these categories for overall quality of life; 76 percent of the patients improved in every category. Although physical symptoms changed most often within the first couple of months, patients reported improvements in their overall quality of life year after year.
One factor that is unique to Network is the focus on areas that “feel good.” Many healing and touch modalities focus on the pain. Network focuses on places of ease and pleasure and invites the rest of the body-mind to join in. Focusing on pleasure instead of pain is part of what makes Network such an innovative approach.
For Further Exploration:
The Stress-Busting Effect of Network Spinal Analysis and How It Helps Increase Our Wellness
Network Spinal Analysis: Communicating with the Nervous System to Relieve Tension
Network Spinal Analysis: What Makes It Different from Other Chiropractic Care—Q & A
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