This email was sent to both Dr. Brian, my light touch chiropractor, and my brother, Rick. At this time in my life, these two men were my most powerful male connections. I kept in touch with Dr. Brian almost daily but trying to maintain that connection while I was in Mexico for treatment was becoming an energetic drain. Dr. Brian and my brother had never met or communicated. I used this email to connect the two of them.
May 13, 2014
Subject: communication
Dr. Brian, this email will connect you and my brother. My brother knows how much I care for you and how you have extended yourself to me, and I feel comfortable speaking for him in saying that I know he is grateful.Sometimes we are called to temporarily let go of even those things that are most valuable to us. I am finding that trying to stay connected to you is taking me into my head at a time when I need to be fully in my body, no matter the level of discomfort. All my true resource still lies in my body. Right now, since all I can have with you is words at a distance, when I try to connect with you, it takes me into my head, which is an energetic drain.The suffering is quite pronounced right now. My body needs comfort and relief, which are very hard to provide. The swelling is continuing to intensify. I have lost almost all desire to eat. The ports in my neck hurt. I am miserable.
All that said, I know things fluctuate, and I still remain open to all possible outcomes.
I am asking my brother, Rick, to keep you informed periodically of how treatment is progressing, how I am feeling emotionally and, God willing, if plans take form for my return to the U.S.
From your end, you have done everything possible to maintain this connection. Some things are just out of our hands, but your efforts have not gone to waste. It has all been taken in.
All the answers are in my body, so that is where I am being called. I am certain I will find our connection there as well, one that does not require words to sustain it.
I hope to see you again.
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